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Our Board of Directors is made up of volunteers from the community.  Board members serve in various capacities to make sure that the league runs smoothly. 

If you have general questions regarding the registration or the upcoming spring season, please contact us at [email protected]
Little League Director Roles and Responsibilities

Larkfield-Northport Little League Board of Directors

Board Position Name Role Contact
President John Gibbons Presides at league meetings, and assumes full responsibility for the operation of the local league. The president receives all mail, supplies, and other communications from the Little League International. The president must see to it that league personnel is properly briefed on all phases of rules, regulations, and policies of Little League. The league president is the contact between the local organization and Little League International.
Vice-President Kevin Oliver Presides in the absence of the president; works with other officers and committee members; is ex-official member of all committees and carries out such duties and assignments as may be delegated by the President.
Secretary Eric Vosper Maintains a register of members and directors; records the minutes of meetings; is responsible for sending out notice of meetings, issues membership cards and maintains a record of league’s activities.
Treasurer James Elliot Signs checks co-signed by another officer or director; dispenses league funds as approved by the Board of Directors; reports on the status of league funds; keeps local league books and financial records; prepares budgets and assumes the responsibility for all local league finances.
Commissioner Jim DeRosa Interpreting, administering, and creating league rules.
Player Agent Arbi Asadourian Conducts annual tryouts, and is in charge of player selection, assists president in checking birth records and eligibility of players; serves as a member of the Board of Directors of the local league and generally supervises and coordinates the transfer of players to or from the Minor Leagues according to provisions of the regulations of Little League.
Safety Director Drew Repetti Coordinates all safety activities; ensures safety in player training; ensures safe playing conditions; coordinates reporting and prevention of injuries; solicits suggestions for making conditions safer; reports suggestions to Little League International through the league president and prepares the ASAP plan for submission to Little League International.
Coaching Coordinator Chris Lupo Represents coaches/managers in league; presents a coach/ manager training budget to the board; gains the support and funds necessary to implement a league-wide training program; orders and distributes training materials to players, coaches and managers; coordinates mini-clinics as necessary; serves as the contact person for Little League and its manager-coach education. Receives and distributes coaching information from Little League International and distributes to all coaches and managers.
Director of Baseball Matt Bredes Coordination and management of all baseball related activities for Rookies, AA, AAA, Majors and 50/70
Director of Softball Steve Malcom Coordination and management of all activities for the Softball Division
Director of Tee Ball Kenny McNally Coordination and management of all activities for the Tee Ball Division

Contact Us


1 Hewitt Square, Box 218
East Northport, New York 11731

Email Us: [email protected]
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